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Gwen Awbery

I am a native speaker of Welsh, and studied linguistics at Cambridge, gaining my PhD in 1974 for a dissertation on Welsh syntax.

From 1969 to 1975 I worked as a lecturer in the Phonetics Department, Leeds University. I then moved to the Welsh Folk Museum, at St Fagan's near Cardiff, as Assistant Keeper with a responsibility for the sound archive and the study of Welsh dialects. In 1991 I took up the post of Co-ordinating Lecturer for Welsh in the Centre for Lifelong Learning, Cardiff University, where I have been running a programme of courses in Welsh and the other Celtic languages. In the summer of 2008 I left the university, and am now carrying out research on a freelance basis.

Over the years I have worked on a number of different topics in Welsh linguistics, including syntax, phonology, dialect variation, and the impact of equal opportunities legislation on Welsh usage. I have recently become interested using previously unexplored corpora, such as the inscriptions on gravestones, to explore a range of different aspects of Welsh usage in the past.

Selected publications


Gwenllian Awbery

Rwyf yn siarad Cymraeg fel iaith gyntaf, ac ar ôl astudio ieithyddiaeth yn Nghaergrawnt, enillais PhD yn 1974 am draethawd ar gystrawen y Gymraeg.

O 1969 tan 1975 gweithiais fel darlithydd yn Adran Seineg Prifysgol Leeds. Symudais wedyn i Amgueddfa Werin Cymru yn Sain Ffagan, ger Caerdydd, fel Isgeidwad â gofal yr archif sain ac astudiaethau tafodieithol. Yn 1991 cymerais swydd Darlithydd Cydlynol y Gymraeg yng Nghanolfan Addysg Gydol Oes Prifysgol Caerdydd, lle bûm yn gyfrifol am raglen o gyrsiau yn y Gymraeg a'r ieithoedd Celtaidd eraill. Yn haf 2008 gadewais y brifysgol, ac rwyf bellach yn ymchwilio ar fy liwt fy hun.

Dros y blynyddoedd rwyf wedi gweithio ar nifer o bynciau gwahanol ym maes ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, gan gynnwys cystrawen, ffonoleg, y tafodieithoedd, a dylanwad deddfwriaeth cyfle cyfartal. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb hefyd mewn dadansoddi ffynonellau na ddefnyddiwyd o'r blaen, megis yr arysgrifau ar gerrig beddau, i drafod ystod o wahanol agweddau ar y defnydd o'r Gymraeg yn y gorffennol.

Cyhoeddiadau dethol


The Syntax of Welsh: a transformational study of the passive. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1976)

Pembrokeshire Welsh: a phonological study. Cardiff: National Museum of Wales (Welsh Folk Museum) (1986)

Cymraeg Sir Benfro. Llanrwst: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch (1991)

Blodau'r maes a'r ardd ar lafar gwlad. Llanrwst: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch (1995)

The Sex Discrimination Act and the use of Welsh in the workplace. Cardiff: Equal Opportunities Commission (1997)

A standard glossary of Welsh terms in the field of equal opportunity. Cardiff: Equal Opportunities Commission (2001)

Welsh mutations: syntax or morphology? Archivum Linguisticum 6 (1975)14-25.

A transformational view of Welsh relative clauses. The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 27 (1977) 155-206.

Sentence particles in spoken Welsh. The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 31 (1984) 17-30.

Pembrokeshire negatives. The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 35 (1988) 37-49.

Francis Willoughby's catalogue of Welsh words 1662.(with D. Cram) National Library of Wales Journal 32 (2001) 1-55.

Cofia ddyn wrth fyned heibio. Llên Cymru 25 (2002) 46-73.

Clause-initial particles in spoken Welsh. Journal of Celtic Linguistics 8 (2004) 1-14.

Welsh (gallois). In: P. J. Arnaud (ed.) Le nom composé: données sur seize langues Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon (2004) 303-27.

Welsh in the churchyard and burial ground: a new approach to documenting language shift. Studia Celtica 41 (2007) 199-228.

last updated 21.09.08